1 clementine, 1 banana, raisins, 2 mini marshmallows, and 1 red fruit roll up.
This is what we used to make 2 of these. Peel the clementine and save the peel. Separate it in half and put them on each plate. Peel the banana and cut in half. Place those on the plates.
For Ernie....cut a slit towards the bottom for his mouth. Roll up a fruit roll up tightly and then cut part of that for the nose. Cut a small piece for his tongue. Cut a mini marshmallow in half for his eyes. Cut a small raisin for the pupil on the eyes. Cut more of the raisins in half for his hair. Cut the reserved clementine peel for his ears.
For Bert...cut the reserved clementine peel for his nose. Cut the banana peel for his ears. Cut a mini marshmallow for his eyes. Cut a small raisin for the pupil on the eyes. Cut a slit for his mouth. Cut a small piece of fruit roll up for his tongue. Use 2 or 3 raisins for his eye brows. Cut raisins in half for his hair.
Thanks KitchenFunWithMy3Sons
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