Trader Joes Coupon Match-Up 2/12

This is just the price list of everyday prices to help you compare prices. This is from my local St Louis Store. Prices may vary from store to store. Trader Joe's accepts COUPONS!
TJ= Trader Joes
Organic Bananas
$0.29eachOrganic Pink Lady Apples $0.69ea
Organic Bartlett Pears 2lb $2.49 ( approx 8)
Organic Hass Avocado 4ct $3.29
Oregon Chai 32oz
$2.99$1.00 Oregon Chai Coupon or Oregon Chai Coupon
Total Price= $1.99
Reed Gingerbrew
$3.49$1.00 Reeds Gingerbrew Coupon
Total Price= $2.49
Annie Chuns Bowls
$1.99$0.50 Annie Chuns Coupon (sign up for Newsletter on right)
Total Price= $1.49
TJ Organic Maple Syrup
12.5oz $7.99TJ Stevia 1oz $9.99
TJ Stevia Extract 9.73oz $6.99
TJ Stevia packet 100ct $5.99
Rudi's Organic Hot Dog Buns $2.99$0.75 Rudi's Organic Coupon
Total Price= $2.24
Ezekiel Cinnamon Bread $3.99
Ezekiel Sprouted Bread $3.99
Ezekiel Sesame Bread $3.99
TJ Gluten Free Bagels $3.49
TJ Gluten Free Rice Bread $3.99
TJ Gluten Free French Rolls $3.49
TJ Gluten Free Rye $3.79
thinkThin bars
$1.69$1.00 thinkThin bar coupon or Mambo Sprouts Winter Bookelt
Total Price= $0.69
Balance Bar $0.99 Buy 3
$1.00/3 Printable Coupon
Total Price= $1.97/3 or $0.67 each wyb 3
Promax $0.99 Buy 3
Buy 2 Get 1 Free Printable Coupon
Total Price= $1.98/3 or $0.66 each wyb 3
Pure Protein Bar $1.99 Buy 2
$1.00/2 Pure Protein Bar Coupon or RedPlum 1/8/12
Total Price= $2.98/2 or $1.49 each wyb 2
Pure Protein Bar $1.99
$1.00 Printable Coupon
Total Price= $0.99
Pure Bar $1.49 Buy 2
Buy One Get One Free Printable Coupon
Total Price= $1.49/2 or $$0.75 each wyb 2
Raw Walnut Pieces 16oz $5.49Raw Walnut halves 16oz $7.49
Kosher Ground White Turkey 16oz $4.69lb
Organic Free Range Chicken Breast boneless skinless $6.99lb ( avg pkg price $8.30)
Organic Free range Chicken Legs $1.99lb (avg pkg price $3.30)
Empire Organic Kosher Chicken Thighs $5.99lb (avg pkg price $7.00)
TJ Centercut Uncured Bacon
12oz $3.99TJ Dry Rubbed Uncured Bacon 12oz $4.99
TJ Fully Cooked Uncured Bacon 15 slices 3.25oz $4.79
TJ Uncured Turkey Bacon 8oz $2.99
TJ Applewood Bacon 12oz $4.79
Tofurky Italian
Sausage 12oz $2.99$0.75 Tofurky Coupon
Total Price= $2.24
Tofurky Smoked Slices 5oz $2.29
$0.75 Tofurky Coupon
Total Price= $1.54
Tofurky Roast 2lb $9.89
$0.75 Tofurky Coupon
Total Price= $9.14
Organic Wild Blueberries 12oz $2.99Organic Strawberries 12oz $1.99
Morningstar Links 8oz $3.39 Buy 2$1.00/2 SmartSource 1/8/12
Total Price= $2.89 each wyb 2
Morningstar Bacon 5.25oz $3.39 Buy 2
$1.00/2 SmartSource 1/8/12
Total Price= $2.89
TJ Gluten Free Waffles 8ct $1.99
TJ Gluten and Dairy Free Pancakes 12ct $2.99
TJ Blueberry Waffle 8ct $1.99
TJ Multigrain Waffle 8ct $1.99
TJ Danish Pancake 19.5oz $3.49
Morningstar Patties 8oz $3.39 Buy 2
$1.00/2 SmartSource 1/8/12
Total Price= $2.89 each wyb 2
Morningstar Buffalo Wings 10oz $3.49 Buy 2
$1.00/2 SmartSource 1/8/12
Total Price= $2.89 each wyb 2
Dr Praeger Texmex veggie burgers 4ct $3.49
$0.50 Dr Praeger Coupon
Total Price= $2.99
Dorot chopped basil 20 cubes $1.99 Buy 2
$1.00/2 Dorot Coupon or Weight Watchers Magazine Feb'12
Total Price= $1.49 each wyb 2
Dorot chopped cilantro 20 cubes $1.99
$1.00/2 Dorot Coupon or Weight Watchers Magazine Feb'12
Total Price= $1.49 each wyb 2
Dorot chopped garlic 20 cubes $1.99
$1.00/2 Dorot Coupon or Weight Watchers Magazine Feb'12
Total Price= $1.49 each wyb 2
TJ Orange Chicken 22oz $4.99
TJ Potstickers $2.99
$1.00 Country Choice Coupon
Country Choice Steel Cut Oats $2.99
Total Price= $1.99
Country Choice Old Fashion Oats
Total Price= $1.29
McCanns Steel Cut Oatmeal 28oz $4.99
$1.00 McCanns Coupon (use zipcode 30303)
Total Price= $3.99
McCanns Irish Oatmeal 16oz $2.99
Uncle Sam's Original Cereal 10oz $2.29 Buy 2
$1.00/2 Uncle Sam's Cereal Coupon
Total Price= $1.79 each wyb 2
Pacific Foods Chocolate Hazelnut Milk $1.69
$1.00 Pacific Foods Coupon
Total Price= $0.69
Blue Diamond Almond Breeze $1.99 Buy 2
$1.00/2 Mambo Sprouts Winter 2012 Booklet
Total Price= $2.98/2 or $1.49 each wyb 2
Pure Protein Shake 11oz can $2.29
$1.00 Printable Coupon or SmartSource 1/8/12
Total Price= $1.29
TJ Organic Rice Milk 32oz $1.69
TJ Whole Grain Milk 32oz $1.99
Organic Milk 1 gal $5.99
Half gal $3.69Organic Non-fat Yogurt plain or french vanilla 32oz $2.99
Organic Lowfat Yogurt vanilla, strawberry, vanana, and plain 32oz $2.99
Organic Whole Milk Yogurt plain 32oz $2.99
Goat Milk Yogurt 32oz $5.49
TJ Goat Cheese 5oz
$2.49Filandia sliced swiss cheese 12oz $4.49
$1.00 Finlandia Coupon
Total Price= $3.49
Laughing Cheese 8 wedges $2.99 Buy 2
$1.00/2 RedPlum1/8/12
Total Price= $2.49 each wyb 2
Cage-Free Dozen
$2.79Cage-Free Hardcooked 6 eggs $2.29
Cage-Free Eggwhites 16oz $2.99
Oscillococcinum 6ct
$9.99$1.00 Oscillococcinum Coupon
Total Price= $8.99
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